
Known for its sweet taste, aroma, small seed, not much fiber, and juice, mango is the leading product from Cambodia. This fruit has been cultivated for thousands of years in the country. As a result, the fruit has become the go-to fruit for the locals as well as the travelers who visit the country. Nowadays, Cambodia is home to a wide variety of mangoes, but the most popular variety is “Keov Romeat” in the Chinese word “高乐蜜芒果”in Vietnamese word “Xoài Keo”. The plantation is almost for the whole country, but the largest plantation area is at Kampong Speu, Kandal, Ordor Meanchey and Battambang province. The yearly production is around 2 million tons, and its harvest season is from October to May.Mango tree plan by family with small size of land in the remote area, most of the mango grower plant by old people and most of them are disabilities people, former khmer rouge.

They take care by themselves and plan by traditional way, no irrigation system……etc. The fruit can be eaten green or dipped in a sauce, or ripe as a sweet treat and high quality for processing in term of dried, IQF, Powder Mango and Ice Cream mango. more on the product specification.

Type of Mango

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