
Longan is one of the popular crops in Cambodia and 5th rank in fresh fruit sales in China market after durian, banana, dragon fruit and jack fruit. Longan is a tropical fruit planted in the northwest part of Cambodia along the Thailand border connected to Chanthaburi province, Kingdom of Thailand, a well-known place for Thai longan and durian in China’s market. Cambodia has around 20,000ha longan plantation with a yearly production of around 240,000MT. The nature of longan plantation is plan by family in small scale, plant in traditional way, not high technology, use their own labor to grow the longan tree.

Start from nursery planting, the longan tree will give fruit in year 5 with 5-10kg per three. The grower take care the farm by themselves and use a intensive labor to harvest, Longan industries can consume the labor about 20,000 job during the harvest season.

In the belief of Chinese tradition, the Chinese believe longan is a dragon-eyed fruit. A dragon is the symbol of China. Dragon will bring health, wealth and prosperity to them. Dried longan is served as morning tea, made soup, and fresh longan as dessert after a meal or during chit-chat time in the family.

Cambodian longan can produce year-round, with fertile soil, young plant, land pattern, and geography can give a huge benefit to the longan plant in Cambodia. It can produce good quality fruit, aroma, sweet, meat thickness with white color as glass, you can see through a sexy small seed inside with dark brown color eyed.

Seasonfresh is one of the leading company work in the longan industry, from fruit growing up to the market. Read more about the product specification.

It is known that the Greeks and Romans in ancient times also engaged in sex in this posture: there extra super p force drawings and written confirmations. The Roman philosopher Lucretia generally advised couples wishing to conceive a child. By the way, its benefits have not yet been confirmed in this regard.

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